I grew up in the country, riding horses, exploring canyons and designing cat condos and tropical homesteads. This was outside of Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle (beef capital of the world). My parents worked at each end of the cattle industry which enabled me to round up and brand cattle, as well as explore the inside of meat packing houses.

During high school I did lots of drafting with aspirations of being an architect. However, college came, Graphic Design called, and I attended 3 colleges before I finished my bachelors degree.

I have worked for large and small companies and for myself most of the time since. Working for myself taught me about estimating, tracking, contracts, billing, delivery, etc. Something I came to learn was that I had a different way of looking at the world. I’m highly organized and find it easy to help others organize, not just things, but thoughts and systems of operation.

In 2009 I completed a 10-day Permaculture Design Course; was on the board of a Texas EcoVillage startup; and started working with a New Mexico non-profit who’s mission was ‘food and energy sovereignty’. In 2011 I moved into an ag-based, intentional community in Sonoma County, California. These things changed the direction of my life and showed me that there are clean and resilient technologies for food and shelter all over the world.

I have since, moved back to New Mexico and am pursuing my passions of building smarter homes, resilient foodsheds and thriving communities.


My motto – Serving the planet and its people


I Desire . . .

  • that our future generations have lovely places to live and thrive, not simply survive.
  • to grow regenerative foodsheds into thriving ecosystems that produce not only nutritious, local food, but also resilient communities.
  • to evolve the way and why we build buildings.
  • to create better standards for practicing agriculture.
  • homes people can purchase for $20K.
  • homesteads that support their neighborhoods.
  • bio-diverse farms that contribute to a regional foodshed.
  • to inspire and teach new generations of farmers and natural builders.


Places I’ve lived and appreciate . . .

  • Taos, New Mexico
  • Crestone, Colorado
  • Clearlake, California
  • Sebastopol, California
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • San Marcos, Texas
  • Boerne, Texas
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Amarillo, Texas
  • Sioux Falls, South Dakota

What is a Foodshed?

A foodshed is the geographic location that produces the food for a particular population. The term describes a region where food flows from the area that it is produced to the place where it is consumed, including the land it grows on, the route it travels, the markets it passes through, and the tables it ends up on.

A foodshed is analogous to a watershed in that foodsheds outline the flow of food feeding a particular population, whereas watersheds outline the flow of water draining to a particular location.
